If you have reason to believe that your supply of breast milk has decreased, then you may be wondering how to increase breast milk. A dwindling of breast milk supply may be due to a multitude of things, such as too much stress, bay's increased demand due to a growth spurt, or not enough feedings. If this is making you feel down, do not worry. There are lots of tips in getting you to increase your supply of breast milk, and fortunately, they're not that hard to follow.
Feed More Often
You can use a breast pump or you can breast feed more. Since the supply of breast milk has a supply and demand relation, in order to have more milk, you should increase the number of feedings in a day. This will give your body the signal that your little one is feeding more often and needs more milk. Try pumping for five to ten more minutes after feeding the baby. You can insert an extra feeding early in the morning since you have the highest supply of milk during that time. Likewise, you can also try pumping the other breast during nursing time.
Do Not Go On A Diet
If you're breastfeeding, do not diet. Your milk supply goes down if you do not consume enough calories. Sources say that moms who breastfeed should consume anywhere around 1,800-2,200 more calories per day to maintain adequate milk supply. You do not need to worry about your weight - breastfeeding burns a lot of calories, and you will achieve that pre-pregnancy body in no time. However, the calories you consume should not be empty calories taken from junk food and fast food. Try to eat protein-rich food, as well as fruits and vegetables.
Relax and Rest
Rest and relaxation may be the farthest thing from a mom's mind. There's a baby and a husband to take care of, a house to clean, chores to be done - these tasks can barely leave a mom with time for herself. This can lead to stress, and a decrease in milk supply. If your little one is napping, those chores can wait. Try to sneak in a nap for yourself during the day, and co-sleep with baby during the night so you do not have to crawl out of your cozy bed to feed the baby.
Stick To Breast Milk
Try to avoid formula supplements as much as possible.Even though formula can be a lifesaver for a weary mom,it can do damange to your milk supply if you miss even one feeding. Once your baby starts to miss feedings from the breast, your breast milk supply will start to lower, too.
Avoid Stress
Milk will not flow if you are wound up and stressed. There are messages and relaxation technique that you can use, such as playing calming music, massaging your breast or pumping your breast so activate the letdown reflex.
Try Some Herbs
There are herbs taht are said to increase the milk supply. Fenugreek is an herb that's used to increased the milk output of a mother. There are Fenugreek capsules available, but you should ask for your doctor's opinion before trying it. Mother's Milk Tes is also said to help lactating mothers. Malunngay or Moringga is also a common herb used to enhance breast milk.
Time Your Baby's Feedings
There are some sourrces that say you should time your baby's feeding. Instead, you should wait for baby to detach himself from your breast, burp him, and offer him the other breast, so that there are no "favourite breasts" and the milk supply will be equal.
Eat Some Lactogenic Food
It's also said that eating oatmeal boosts your milk supply, but only slightly. Try eating oatmeal every morning, and oatmeal cookies during snack time. Likewise, green papaya is used all over Asia as a lactogenic food, and is served along with soup.
You shouldn't let a low milk supply stress you out. Push out the negative thoughts that say you aren't a good mother because you don't produce enough milk - it's only going to affect your very own milk supply. Instead, focus on the positive thoughts that you're the one giving your baby nutrition, and practise the tips above to have adequate milk supply.
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