Wednesday 23 October 2013

Effective Way to Maximize Breast Milk Flow

Caring for a new baby is quite a responsibility. You have months to get ready for it and hopefully you have decided that breastfeeding is the right option. Your body will need to continue to produce milk so that you have enough to nourish your child. It isn't always easy to keep the flow of milk coming in though. By pumping breast milk though you can help to ensure you always have enough.

It may surprise you to discover that your baby will want to engage in breastfeeding at least 8 times a day. It could be up to 12 times a day depending on the hunger your baby expresses. Over time your baby will start to eat more at each of the feedings. This means the number of times each day that they are breastfeeding is going to decline. By pumping breast milk a couple of times a day though you will be able naturally produce enough milk for your baby to feel satisfied with.

A mother can quickly fill like a failure if her body isn't producing enough milk. By pumping breast milk though you will be able to store some of the milk that you pump. You can feed your baby with a bottle and a nipple that is contoured lik your own so they will quickly take to it. This can even allow you to have some free time while someone else feeds the baby.It can allow dad to have an active role in the process as well. 

Some women are afraid of the process of pumping breast milk though because it isn't familiar to them. You don't have to be afraid of it though because the process is easy and convenient. There are plenty of types of breast pumps out there for you to choose from. You want one that feels like your child is suckling from your breast. Many of them allow you to express milk from both of the breasts at the same time.

Your breasts don't have to be full of milk either before you use a breast pump on them. In fact, if you do the process when they aren't completely full it can stimulate more milk production. Breastfeeding is one of the best things you can do for your baby. You don't want to have to worry that you don't have enough milk for him or her to enjoy.

When you get into the habit of pumping breast milk you can make enough to satisfy them until you are ready to completely take them off the breast. This time frame varies for each mother and child so don't feel rushed. You don't want your body to stop producing milk before you are ready to remove your child from the nutrients your body has to offer them.

Worried not being able to breastfeed?Millions are worried that their babies may loose weight due to low milk supply. You can avoid this. It's not your fault. Check this out!!! 

Sunday 6 October 2013

Producing Breast Milk - What You Need to Know About It

As breastfeeding is one of the primary obligation of a mother to her child, the female body is equipped with the capabilities of producing breast milk to cater to her young. Since newborn arent't capable yet to ingest solid food, they rely solely on breast milk as a source of nutrition. This is why nature designed a mother's breast milk to have as much nutrients as possible, as the baby will not have any other way to get everything he needs in order to be healthy. Breast milk also effectively protests the baby from infections and other illnesses.

However, as the human body is still not as perfect as one would wish it would be, there are still a couple of issues that go with breast milk and its production. One example is the problem of breast engorgement. As the female body makes milk for its young, it has a tendercy to clog the very veins it runs on, causing it to swell. Although, this condition doesn't necessarily mean that you're producing too much milk, it is still a sign that you're doing something wrong.

You see, while still nursing, the milk that you produce is in tune with the amount of milk your baby consumes. Your body will know how much your child regularly takes in, since it can easily assess its own processes such as milk production. So, if you weren't able to express enough milk on schedule, some overcrowding will surely happen around the mammary glands, which causes engorgement that makes you prone to infections. Fret not, though, as there are a lot of ways you can do to treat the problem and even prevent it.

Another common issue that breastfeeding mothers encounter is the low milk supply. This occurs when the mother experience stress, switches her child to formula too early, or when she doesn't nurse often enough. This can be a problem as breast milk is still strongly recommended by experts to be exclusively fed to children from one to six months old. Luckily. a lot of measures can be taken to increase the low milk supply in most cases.

The third, and possibly the most pressing subject related to breastfeeding and producing breast milk, concerns women that needed to go through cesarean instead of a normal delivery. Most pregnant women worry about what it would be like to nurse after a c-section, as the procedure will surely do something to their normal bodily processes.

Statistics show that almost one in four American women gives birth through a c-section, most of which are unexpected. This is why most pregnant women are curious about the topic, so they can be ready in case it happen to them.

The good thing, though, is that experts say that there shouldn't be any problem in breastfeeding even after a cesarean delivery. The only difference that a c-section mother can have from one who normally delivered is that the former will need to rest first, which causes some delay on the initiation of breastfeeding. Other then this, there shouldn't be any complications related to her capabilities in producing breast milk. Thousand of stories, and even pictures, can attest to this, so you don't really have to be too worried.

Breast milk production will naturally take its course in new mothers; however, gaining more information about it would still prove helpful to you; Surely, the more you learn about producing breast milk, the more you'll feel secure and ready to have your little bundle of joy.

Milk Up! Your Essential Guide to Boosting Your Milk Supply is an essential program that contains helpful tips that should aid you with your problems in breastfeeding. It is well researched, has been tested and proven by the author Diane Walters and a hundred different women aside from herself.

Worried not being able to breastfeed? Check this out 

Wednesday 4 September 2013

5 Fantastic Foods fоr Breastfeeding

You knоw thаt breast milk іs best fоr уоur baby аnd you're happy tо bе nursing. Јust lіkе durіng pregnancy, уоur оwn nutrition hаs а big impact оn whаt уоur baby gеts. Yоur body аlwауs produces quality milk, but whаt уоu eat саn increase thе nutrition оf уоur milk еvеn mоrе. Неrе аrе 5 super foods tо add tо уоur diet whіlе you're nursing уоur baby:

Oatmeal іs аn excellent food fоr nursing mothers. Іt hаs bееn proven tо boost milk supply. Маnу mothers struggle wіth low milk supply sо аnуthіng thаt helps іs great. Іf moms dоn't care fоr cooked oatmeal porridges аn oatmeal cookie іs аlwауs аn option!

Oatmeal аlsо hаs benefits bесаusе іt саn bе loaded wіth оthеr foods vital fоr nursing mothers. Маnу breastfeeding moms аrе surrounded bу thе low-fat dogma оf modern nutrition. Unfоrtunаtеlу thіs fad іs hurting mothers аnd babies. Babies nееd а lot оf fat tо nourish thеіr rapidly growing brains. Mothers nееd fat tо create thе rich hindmilk thаt helps thеіr babies grow, аnd tо hаvе energy аnd fat fоr thеіr оwn cells.

You саn load oatmeal uр wіth good fats lіkе cream аnd butter. Add а drizzle оf maple syrup аnd уоu hаvе а delicious, milk-boosting meal.

Butter, Coconut Oil, аnd Olive Oil
You саn sее thаt І асtuаllу listed three foods, but it's оnе type оf food: healthy fats. Аs І mentioned іn thе oatmeal sесtіоn, уоur body nееds fats tо nourish уоursеlf аnd уоur baby. It's еsресіаllу vital tо уоur baby's brain.
It's іmроrtаnt thаt уоu understand thаt mаnу оf thе common fats today аrе асtuаllу unhealthy. Аnуthіng thаt must bе extracted forcefully, lіkе soybean оr corn oil, іs unhealthy. Тhеsе oils thаt require "modern" chemicals аnd techniques tend tо bе bad fоr you.

Good fats аrе traditional fats. Yоu'll notice thаt twо oils оn thе list аrе saturated fats! Тhеsе аrе good fоr уоu. Yоu nееd thеm tо build уоur cells аnd аgаіn, уоur baby's brain cells. Olive oil, whісh іs а monounsaturated fat іs аlsо good fоr уоu. Тhеsе fats will аlsо help satiate уоu sо уоu dоn't feel аs hungry.

Olive oil іn раrtісulаr hаs bееn shоwn tо boost milk supply. Coconut oil hаs antibacterial properties thаt translate tо уоu аnd уоur baby.

You've heard а lot аbоut thе benefits оf fish. Fish іs а health food darling rіght nоw! Fish lіkе salmon аrе а good choice. They're generally clean аnd they're full оf Omega-3 fatty acids. Тhеsе help increase thе nutrition оf уоur milk. Тhеу аlsо boost уоur baby's brain.

Salmon аlsо hаs а good amount оf Vitamin D іn іt. Yоu shоuld gеt sоmе time іn thе sun regularly, but foods wіth natural Vitamin D (nоt fortified) аrе аlsо а good idea. Breastfed babies аrе оnlу deficient іn Vitamin D whеn thеіr mothers hаvе low levels, sо eat foods thаt аrе rich іn it.

Nuts аnd Seeds
Nuts аnd seeds соntаіn protein аnd fat, twо things еvеrу nursing mother nееds. Тhеsе nutrients аrе wrapped іn а delicious lіttlе package. Вut оnе оf thе reasons they're great fоr nursing mothers іs they're ultra-portable. Yоu саn tаkе а package оf nuts wіth уоu аlmоst еvеrуwhеrе уоu gо! Keeping snacks оn hand whіlе you're nursing kеерs уоur milk supply аnd уоur energy levels high.

Leafy Greens
Leafy greens include а wide variety оf vegetables. Lettuce, spinach, аnd оthеr greens аrе аll included. Тhеsе foods pack а lot оf vitamins аnd minerals іn thеm. Тhеу usuаllу taste pretty good, tоо. Тhеу help а nursing mother kеер а regular bathroom schedule аnd avoid constipation, tоо. Nutrient-dense greens lіkе spinach аnd romaine lettuce increase milk quality аnd саn boost milk production, tоо.

Another important tip that you can do is to read a book like Milk Up! An Essential Guide to Boosting Your Milk Supply. You will immediately have access to the research done by Diane Walters to help mothers everywhere overcome the pains of a low supply of milk. Get It Now!

Monday 26 August 2013

Boost Your Milk Supply By Following These Tips

Any mother would be able to tell you that taking care of a baby is no easy feat. Hand in hand with the joys of motherhood come the frustrations as well. Keeping your child healthy and well fed is something that can be disheartening at times, especially when you have trouble with your milk supply. Believe it or not, you don't need to blame yourself with what's happening. You're just one of the thousand mothers who have trouble with the diminishing flow of milk.

Don't worry about your predicament. Like all problems have a solution, you can get some tips here on how to ensure that the milk is constantly flowing. Fewer signs will tell you might be producing less milk than usual. If your baby is not gaining the appropriate weight boost, there is a big chance that you are indeed running low on supply. Of course, to make sure that he is okay, you will have to take him to a doctor for a regular check-up as well. In the meantime, you can check out the tips below.

When your baby does not want to feed anymore and has fallen asleep, don't leave it at that. If your breasts still feel full, use a pump to transfer it to a feeding bottle. It's important that you don't let any go to waste as thousands of babies across the world are in need of breast milk badly. That after feeding pump would also ensure that you keep on producing the milk supply that your baby needs.

Going back to work can become a problem when you are breastfeeding. It's not advisable to rush home just to feed your baby when your office is miles away and you only have an hour's breast. Bring an extra pump with you to the office and if your breasts feel full again, pop into the ladies' comfort room and relieve yourself. Having breasts full of milk can be painful when they are not expressed for a long gap in between feedings.

You have to remember that the more your baby grows, the less time he will spend on feeding from you. Normally, at the age of 6 months they are already introduced to solid food and might not have much love for breast milk as before. So, don't get yourself all hyped up for a perfectly normal phase in their life. Learn to incorporate drinking breast milk into their solid food eating schedules in order for them to become healthier and stronger.

Another important tip that you can do is to read a book like Milk Up! An Essential Guide to Boosting Your Milk Supply. You will immediately have access to the research done by Diane Walters to help mothers everywhere overcome the pains of a low supply of milk. Instead of getting free useless advice, invest in an important book that can actually aid you in producing a lot of breast milk. Like us, she has been in the same boat which prompted her to do her extensive research. Now, it's available for us to peruse and obtain some very important aspects of breastfeeding.

Many mothers may stop breastfeeding when they don't produce enough milk. You don't have to be like them. Check this out Good luck!

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Discover Breastfeeding Mistakes and How to Correct Them

Being a first time mom can leave you worried and flustered especially if you don't have a clue what is going on. Feeding time can also be stressful if you were not guided on how to do it properly. It is important for an infant to be fed properly to ensure that he is healthy and to promote growth. Let's explore some of the common mistakes mothers make during breastfeeding. In that way, you can also check if you are doing the right thing. 

.Poor Eating Habits

Mothers tend to focus more on their children and the numerous responsibilities they have that they forget to eat at the right time. It's not surprising that they also have trouble with eating the right food to keep their strength up. Unbeknownst to most, this is a big mistake that should be avoided at all costs. Since you are breastfeeding, your child also gets the nutrients from you and if you are eating unhealthy meals, it's also affecting the baby. 

.Taking Medicines Without Consultation

Sure, we get headaches and probably reach for the first pain reliever that we see in our medicine cabinet. But did you stop to think if it's going to be okay taking that since you still breastfeeding? I don't think so. In any case, you should always ask your medical practitioner on what drugs are safe to take when nursing your baby. The same thing goes when taking contraceptive pills. Generally, it's a big no and should avoid doing so. 

.Drinking Alcohol and Smoking

It does not need to be reiterated that even though you are not breastfeeding, both substances are potentially harmful. When you are smoking, nicotine affects the quality of your milk. Your child will have trouble falling asleep and he will also be exposed to the several health risks. It's not easy to quit smoking but you have to think about your child's welfare first. The harmful chemicals found in intoxicating substances affect the development of your child's brain as well. You'll find out too late that he is slower than most kids his age especially if their mothers are non-smokers and don't drink. 

.Taking Long, Unnecessary Breaks From Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding regularly ensures that your breasts do not harden or get infected with clogged milk ducts. With the latter, it happens when you allow too much gaps between breastfeeding. If you are working, then it's best that you bring along a breast pump and feeding bottle and relieve yourself during the day. In that way, you can be sure to have ample supply whenever your baby needs to feed. 

.Study and Learn About Natural Methods

To ensure a constant flow of milk, it is essential that you read about natural ways and methods. As mentioned, drugs are not exactly healthy. Milk Up! Your Essential Guide to Boosting Your Milk is one of the many books that you should consider reading. You'll be learning quite a lot especially the natural methods of increasing your milk supply. 
How To Increase Milk Supply.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Breast Milk Storage Bags - What You Must Know Before Buying

Transporting and storing breast milk is essential to the health of nursing newborn infants and young children. Mother's milk is important because it carries immune properties that protect the baby, also preventing bacteria from growing while it is in storage. This places breast milk storage bags at the head of the list for a new mother's priorities.

The containers to store milk are twofold: (1) some bags are a "soft container" while (2) glass or plastic are labeled as "hard containers." Which container you use has a lot to do with your plan - you can choose a container for convenience or one to protect the milk.

Currently there is a lot of research going on with this subject - boost the baby's immune system; the milk substance kills cancer cells. Findings show that nursing an infant is more important now than ever, with air borne viruses and new diseases developing at a rapid rate.

As long as your infant receives plenty of milk when nursing or drinking from a bottle, it will receive sufficient plenty of nutrients to grow and stay healthy.

The journal "Pediatrics" has published an article stating that if infants are breast fed for the first six months of its life, our country could save billions of dollars every year and over 1.000 lives a year. For this reason, current research is developing into the best milk holders on the market.

With recent publicity on breast milk mounting in its favor - especially with the health of the child - there seems to be a lack of support for mothers who choose to breast feed in public. It seems that mothers who feed a hungry infant in public offend our society. Complaints occur from bystanders, forcing mothers to store and transport milk when they travel.

Breast milk bags can be reused but need to be washed in hot soapy water. The plus side is they store easily in the refrigerator or freezer, needing no sterilization. However, ill babies require stricker rules regarding the care of the infant's milk bag with handling the breast milk and requiring sterilization at this time.

The plastic types are available from companies that specialize in sturdy breast milk plastic bags. They are different from the disposable nursing bags in bottles that are thin and known to promote loss of antibodies and extra storage of milk fat in one setting.

Knowing how to order pre-sterilized bags for milk storage that is easy to seal is easiest by shopping online. There are many choices of bag types to get, and being able to shop by product at hundreds of e-stores with product reviews by customers gives you an edge from the beginning.

Buying them designed for pumping milk directly into them provide for long-term breast milk storage, with double thick walls. Breast milk storage bags have double zipper enclosures but some do not.

We suggest you take a good look online and enjoy saving money and having the widest range of products to choose from!

How To Increase Milk Supply.

Thursday 18 April 2013

How to Pump Breast Milk

Here are some tips on how to pump breast milk. There are different ways available to women in order to pump their breast and storing the milk obtained. These methods include hand and pump expressing.

Hand expressing breast milk should be done only is a bottle is needed infrequently. This milk is collected by massaging the breast and collecting the milk as its falls into the cup. To hand express, place your hands in a C-shape cupping the breast with the thumb above the areola and the first two fingers a couple of inches below the nipple. Push your hand toward your chest, roll your fingers forward toward the nipple and a few drops of liquid should be expelled. The fingers and thumb should be rotated to milk other reserves, with both hands being used on each breast. Do not squeeze or slide the hands over the breast. Avoid pulling on the nipple of the breast also.

The baby should be at least the age of three weeks old before initiating pumping periods for milk storage. Waiting until this time will encourage the establishment of adequate milk supply produced in the breasts. Pumping should not result in any pain. If it is a doctor should be consulted.

Pumping your breast less than five times a week requires a manual pump that should meet your needs. High - quality electric pumps also are available for women who choose to pump many times per day. Electric pumps also significantly reduce pumping time. Many electric pumps allow for both breasts can also be pumped at the same time to reduce pumping session.

When pumping your breasts, always wash your hands before and after expressing. The pump and collection bottles should be sterilized also after each use. Whenever a feeding is going to be missed, that is when you give your baby a bottle, pumping should be administered. The same amount of milk the baby takes should be expressed in order to maintain adequate supply. Breasts should also be pumped when they feel full . Early mornings or early evenings usually have a higher milk quantity in the breasts. Mothers can also pump for milk while the baby is nursing on the other breast. Relaxation is a contributing factor to gain ample milk during pumping. Massaging the breast can also stimulate relaxation and stroking the top of the breast area while pumping can stimulate milk to let down. Shaking the breasts while leaning forward also encourages this as gravity assists in the ejection reflex.

Breast pump can be maximised by lubrication of the pumping funnels. This minimizes friction of the breast against the funnel, reducing chafing and also helps the pump to pull in more of the breast. Pumping on a schedule will help your body to recognise when to make and let down milk. The more regular you choose to pump your breasts for milk, the more you will be able to obtain from your breasts.

Another important tip that you can do is to read a book like Milk Up! An Essential Guide to Boosting Your Milk Supply. You will immediately have access to the research done by Diane Walters to help mothers everywhere overcome the pains of a low supply of milk. Instead of getting free useless advice, invest in an important book that can actually aid you in producing a lot of breast milk. Like us, she has been in the same boat which prompted her to do her extensive research. Now, it's available for us to peruse and obtain some very important aspects of breastfeeding. Good luck!

How To Increase Milk Supply.